Personal Robotic Butler

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Service Bot

Your robot will cater to your every Whim. Cooking, cleaning, fix the AC!
You name it, this guy can do it.

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Modular Design

Your Service robot is capable of transforming into a travel mode suitcase with carry assist. Just enable the mode and it will follow you and self-stow in the designated location for easy transport.

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The unit comes packaged with all the tools and abilities to repair and replace most parts and comes with a self-tuning mode that will ensure it will keep running for generations to come.

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Realistic Human Interfacing

It will be able to hold conversations on a number of topics, and is also capable of having a personality matrix installed to your exact specification. You can have it play with the kids using the patented child safety locks to ensure that your children will be in good hands while you are away.

See a Prototype Model in Action


As every unit is Custom made to order pricing varies greatly between models. For more information give us your email below and we will be in touch to start the onboarding process within 24hrs.

Brought to you by Mike Rocks LLC.